Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Strange Feelings

So CONvergence has come and gone, as usual stayed up way to late, drank way to much and had tons of fun with friends! The costumes turned out great (I did end up sewing in the hotel room for about 2 hours ...ahahah) we didn't win anything in the masq though (our skit was a real shit show & we didn't present a well documented packet of workmanship) so lesson learned for next time.

It feels odd that I don't have giant piles of sewing to be constantly working on, but I'm definitely enjoying the time off from it for now. I've started compiling a Want/To Do folder for costumes that I'd like to eventually make. Some of them will be simple straight forward costumes and others are like "holy hell, how will I do that?!?"

I'll definitely have to invest in a serger and an embroidery machine somewhere down the line for some of the more complex costumes *cough* Zelda *cough*

Here's some of my ideas as of right now:

Codex - The Guild

Princess Zelda - Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker

Princess Zelda - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Quidditch Robes - Harry Potter Series

Anastasia Romanov - Anastasia (Once Upon a December Dress)

Thor & Loki - Avengers

Briar Rose - Sleeping Beauty

Princess Aurora - Sleeping Beauty (Blue Dress)

Ariel - The Little Mermaid

Marvel Girl - X-Men

Ms Marvel - Avengers

Rose Tyler - Doctor Who (Empty Child)
--I'd like to make this Victorian to match my friends

Tali'Zorah - Mass Effect Series
--This is one of the oh holy hell costumes

Commander Shepard - Mass Effect Series
--Another one of the oh holy hell costumes

Fi - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Midna - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Tetra - Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker/Phantom Hourglass

Link - Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker/Phantom Hourglass
--For Jason

Poison Ivy - Batman

Sarah & Jareth - Labyrinth

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