Last night I was able to ruffle all 16 ruffles ...whoo boy that was an adventure. The ruffler foot that I spent so much time looking for ended up being a waste of time and more stressful that it was worth. The first one I bought broke after 2 passes through the machine ...and the second one I got to replace the first one would jam up only after a few stitches. So in the end I just hand pleated everything ...I would sew a little bit and then make a small gather and feed it under the presser foot. I honestly think that took less time than futzing with it in the first place. So I'll go return that today and maybe pick up some satin for the purse and/or bodice.
Here is my progress as of last night. In this photo the ruffles are only pinned on the hoopskirt just to see what it would look like.
I made the mock up for Jason's coat and I must say it wasn't nearly as hard as I was expecting it to be. With the cut of the coat I don't think I can put pockets on the outside but I'll sneak a few in on the inside for him.
Speaking of pockets after a few youtube videos I have now figured out how to do a welted pocket. Huzzah!!! The instructions that came with the vest were god awful. But now that I've figured it out with the help of the interwebs I can begin the final construction on the vest. Yesterday I bought some matching cottons to line the vest in, they match way better than what I had originally picked out and this way the costume will breath better.
The last challenge will be the bodice ...which I think is fairly straight forward, but I won't start on that till I get my corset so it gets sized right. I have some fabric swatches that I want to order cause I think I found some embroidered organza that's going to work, I just have to decide which color.
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