I'm hoping that they'll be fairly simple costumes to make, they don't look to terribly in depth *fingers crossed*. I do however need to get cracking on finding wigs for us. I refuse to buy the cheap-o ones you can get at the Halloween store they never look right. I think I've figured out a way to do Tetra's updo with help from Kell Kelldar, so now it's just a matter of finding the right shade and splurging the money on it.
Jason and I have also decided that we want to do a big fancy costume for CONvergence next year, specifically Mal and Kaylee's outfits from the Firefly episode Shindig.
I'm honestly more excited for those costumes than the ones I have to make for our party next month *doh!*. I've been researching how other people have made the dress and it honestly seems pretty straight forward (although I've never taken on a project of this size). I'll have to invest in a dress form, I'm hoping I can snag one on the cheap at day after thanksgiving sale.
I'm super excited for CON next year. It was so much fun, can't wait to start making new costumes for it. At this point in time I'm thinking: Poison Ivy (the Bruce Timm version) & Hammer Groupie (to match Jason's Dr. Horrible). I have to make some updates to Dark Phoenix before I wear it again. I copped out and just dyed white gloves I had and tried to match them the best I could and looking back at pictures I really wish I would have taken the extra time to make the gloves out of the matching fabric. I also need to make better boot covers. I again tried to cut corners by just buying some yellow heels that were close enough in color and just wearing them on the outside of the "boot" but it's really noticeable in photos. I hope to buy a wig for my Luna Lovegood costume before i wear it again ...it's fine without it ...but I think it' would really finish it off nicely (not quite sure people know who I am without the long crazy blonde hair).
Not much else going on right now, Jason and i are still on opposite schedules. With him working overnights at target and me working the 3-11 shift at the hotel we pretty much never get to see each other (even though we live together) =P
Went to Ren Fest last weekend and had tons of fun. We were there from 9am to 7pm. I bought a leather pouch for my Tetra costume to serve as her wallet (I'm going to go to Micheal's and buy some plastic gems to be her rupees). Also bought a zelda ocarina, it's really cool! It came with sheet music for most of the zelda songs. I've been able to get pretty good at Epona's song and Zelda's Lullaby.
I'm hoping to stat up my yoga DVD again ...I'm so good for a couple of days then I just lose interest. Now that it's cooling off I'm also hoping I'll get more bike rides in ...it's just been waaaaay to hot to ride the bike lately.
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